Let’s see what the next six months bring

I did reasonably well on my resolutions for the first half of 2016 (although I still have no idea how it could possibly already be the middle of 2016!):

  1. I have a new bead box, with room to grow (more on that soon!)
  2. I added opal eyes to my Mothra bead – and I love the final result. I would still love to find the right opportunity to add a stone before firing, but I don’t want to waste clay just to check that off my list; it needs to be the right stone in the right bead.
  3. I completed the A to Z challenge. And it was actually fun! So much so that I’ve already started a list of ideas for next year.

I even managed to start and finish a few copper beads, which was an unofficial resolution!

Which leaves me with rolling out my resolutions for the second half of the year. At the beginning of the month I opened up my draft list of resolutions and found only one! I could have sworn that I had two or three. With a bit more thinking, I managed to get another one, and decided to leave it at that since the latter half of the year is always busier than the first half. I have a few unofficial resolutions up my sleeve, but don’t want to commit in case I can’t make them happen ;)

Make at least one necklace combination a month

That shouldn’t be too hard, right? I have two fantasy-type necklaces, one short and one long, so hopefully I can manage enough variation with them. I use the shorter one regularly, but with the same beads on it most of the time, so I’m hoping to try a few new things with it. The longer one doesn’t get as much use since I don’t have a splitter for it. But, I know that I have a brochure somewhere showing different ways to style it without a splitter, so I’m hoping to dig that up and try a few!

Indulge in Karma beads (and maybe a Pandora Essence bracelet)

I’ve waffled about getting some Karma beads ever since the line launched. There are several beads that I like, but other things always come up. I’ve almost gotten some a few times, so I figure that maybe now is the time to finally do it!

So, why lump this goal in with (maybe) getting an Essence bracelet? Well, because the Essence line has a few chain options that I like and Karma beads fit on the Essence chain! And I won’t pay for a chain. So, if Pandora has a free Essence chain deal before Thomas Sabo does one for Karma, I will get an Essence bracelet for my Karma beads. If that happens, I will probably also end up with an Essence bead or two since I like how they have built-in stoppers. But, my priority is really getting the Karma beads. Yes, beads. Because beads are like potato chips – you can never have just one :D

How are you feeling about being at the mid-point of the year? Are things rolling out the way you want/expected?


  1. You are amazing, with a job and children, you have accomplished so much! I am enjoying learning about your bead making as well. Just to let you know, Pandora will be having an Essence Promo for the last 2 weeks of August.
    I will message you with the details.
    You have inspired me to set some resolutions, just a couple to start with, as I rarely stick to mine.

    1. Ooh, thanks for the news! I did think that Pandora usually has a promo around September, so I was hoping that it would be an Essence promo! And it gives me an excuse to come visit you :D

      And thank you for your kind words <3 I always had unofficial resolutions, but I do find that putting them here helps me accomplish them. It's so easy to bump a big purchase or project out by a month at a time to the point where I never buy the special beads that I want or finish some of my combinations. Usually I'm happy to let my themed bracelets grow at their own rate, but sometimes I do need a bit more of a nudge ;)

    1. Yes, I suppose it would be a bit confusing if you didn’t know the bead brands as well :D Sorry about that. Pandora Essence and Thomas Sabo Karma are both interchangable bead lines, similar to Trollbeads. But, they are much smaller, and therefore have much smaller holes, so they won’t fit on my Trollbeads chains. Which is one reason that I haven’t tried them out thus far. Thomas Sabo has some really nice stones in their Karma line, and at a reasonable price, so it will have a slightly different look than my current bead combinations. Or so I tell myself to justify starting a new line :D

      Fantasy necklaces are just long necklaces with a stone on the end. You can string beads on the chain (it’s a long loop without a clasp) to change up the look.

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